Tools for Self-Reliance

Tools For Self Reliance consists of a number of groups of people who are helping to collect and refurbish tools, hand sewing machines, etc. These are then shipped out to workshops in Africa, where they are very much needed. There are groups such as this throughout the country, and a good friend of Jean (from SfP) spends part of her spare time overhauling hand sewing machines. Obviously sewing machines are not the only items needed. Chris likes to include a basic sewing kit with the machines which she sends to the depot. This consists of most of the ordinary items we have in our work boxes: Needles (hand and machine), pins, scissors, cotton reels, tape measures, buttons, press studs, hooks and eyes, zips, knitting needles, ribbons and the like. According to their publicity they send over £500,000 of 'tools' each year to partners in 6 countries in Africa . SfP sends parcels of needlecraft hardware to this organisation.